Biomass burning

Project Code: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1798, Contract: 309-01/07/2014

Pollution from biomass burning (including wildfires) combined with urban pollution from human activities represent the main sources of primary aerosols (fine particles, respirable). These can have a significant impact on human health and on climate at local, regional and global scale, through the emissions of high concentrations of aerosol particles containing organic and inorganic matter and black carbon. 40% of the global emission of black carbon comes from biomass burning.


The emitted BBA aerosols can became condensation nuclei in the process of cloud formation influencing cloud radiative properties. Currently, cloud formation processes and the influence of aerosols are not fully understood, which leads therefore to significant uncertainties in weather forecasts and climate change scenarios.
The purpose of the project MOBBE (Computational Model for Prediction of the Biomass Burning Emissions and their Impact) is to quantify and to predict the effects of the aerosols from biomass burning and their impact on two major environmental issues: air quality and climate and meteorology at local, regional and global scale. The project aims to investigate the potential sources and the properties of aerosols from biomass burning, urban aerosols and long-range transport aerosols over Romania performing a first research case study in the Bucharest area, using improved inversion algorithms.

Project Duration

July 2014 – December 2016

Project Budget

Goverment Budget: 1.250.000,00
Co-Finance: 190.000,00
Total Project: 1.440.000,00


  • INOE  National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics INOE 2000
  • INCAS National Institute for Aerospace Research „Elie Carafoli”
  • ANM National Meteorological Administration
  • ESYRO EnviroScopY  SC EnviroScopY SRL


Luminita Marmureanu INOE   Patru Spataru INCAS Ristici Valentin ANM  Ioan Balin ESYRO
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tel. 0314-053303 tel. 021-4340083 tel. 021-3183240 tel. 033-2107991
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